VGA English: Funniest mistakes Altqna (Qlchat) *

Funniest mistakes Altqna (Qlchat) *

Open the door to give an atmosphere of Blink-site we present you with the second part of the funniest technical errors (Algelchat) in games, they prepared again to discover 3 new errors can not say anything about it, only funny.
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum
"To dance along to the tunes of the song Batemaaaaan, Batemaaaaan ..."
When the wicked and find a hero as Batman in front of you there is no point of escape because it will catch you no matter what you do, the resistance will make you receive some hits from this hero convincing before they faint on you and when wake up you will find that all your bones hurt, the solution is to make him throw you to the ground without resist Which version better way to do that?, dancing on the way in the Scandinavian apparently means hello out, I wonder you could have these two rivals reach the finals in the dance program global, with the lightness and agility is possible inevitably but if Batman within the jury it is more than unlikely.
  • Crysis
"Please I want to Ahtfd this metal piece as a souvenir"
Back from the battlefield carries with it many memories sad and painful, even if victory is yours but sometimes prefers soldiers carry souvenir special of one of the soldiers friends may be anything, this soldier got a souvenir large a piece of metal by signing his colleagues but the poor did not accept the idea that the memorial is too big to be carried up to the house in Hovercraft, the best way to try harder and to relinquish any help, a little encouragement will do the job, there is not only the thousands of kilometers to reach, I wonder how much it would take?
  • Fallout new vegas
"Or! Now Odhat illusions wonderful things, the world revolves around me. "
There is a big difference between the feeling that your head spins and between seeing the top of one another is going on, perhaps you ever heard someone say that he feels that the world revolves around him, but the character of this game will cry, saying the head of this old man is going on, but what are the best way to ensure the safety of someone from preview from all angles, this may be a new way to combine the art of yoga and hypnosis, which requires practice and training as well as hard to sleep without a pillow for your neck acquires sufficient flexibility to allow the head to rotate Kaaqarb time.

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