VGA English: Has Saints Row V Been Confirmed?!

Has Saints Row V Been Confirmed?!

Has Saints Row V Been Confirmed?!

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Comedian and voice actor Jay Mohr, (voice of Dane Vogel in Saints Row 2) has just tweeted that he's doing voice over work for a new Saints Row video game. Accompanying the tweet was an image of two mics over a rather blurry TV screen (intentionally out of focus maybe?) of 7 Saints Row-like characters.

This could be DLC for all we know since the characters resemble those of Saints Row 4, but it could be another game just as the tweet says.

Let's keep in mind though, Dead Island Riptide came out some time in early 2013, and after that cliffhanger ending, speculations and rumors suggested that there will be a sequel, and then it was confirmed by Deep Silver creative director Guido Eickmeyer, saying: “I would not expect the series to stop at this point".

With Deep Silver planning a Dead Island sequel and possibly a Saints Row IV sequel, I'd expect Dead Island getting its third addition first since it came out a few months before Saints Row.

With that said, and with Deep Silver having already announced Dead Island Epidemic, a F2P PC MOBA Dead Island game, what do you think, is Deep Silver's next title going to be Saints Row V? Is it even already in development? Is Saints Row V at least confirmed now?
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