VGA English: Secrets of the first version of the game Halo?!

Secrets of the first version of the game Halo?!

On games there's this group of games that laid the foundations and concepts for everything came later and we launched it the title of Games " revolutionary " , but certainly not all the games revolutionary there is a wide range of games mastered and skillfully everything submitted , but was a revolution of a different kind altogether and got up industry Games provide an excellent experience opened the door to the gaming market to expand more and can be described this group as " evolution " , here we can classify the game development team Bungee and Microsoft's famous " Hello " , the game correction , which opened the floodgates for fans of games correction transition from the gaming market on PCs for home appliances market .
Today a paragraph "Secrets of the first version ," we learn about the story of the development of the game " Halo ," How was and how and why become transformed to code video games industry despite being not made the revolution , but certainly made ​​a development , if we begin to tell the story :
- Steve Jobs reveals the game officially!
Very exciting to know that the game that put the name of Microsoft's map the world of video games at the best possible form has been detected by the Chief Executive Officer of Apple's biggest competitor for Microsoft Conference Macworld Conference & Expo year 1999, Steve Jobs stepped on the podium time to review the capabilities of Macs new and with so officially unveiled Halo game from the development team bungee for the first time:
The game was released for Mac and Windows, and before that disclosure was a group of journalists had obtained the opportunity to watch the game behind the scenes exhibition E3 of 1999 and provoke a lot of admiration and curiosity then, but did not allow anyone to talk about the draft of the game until after the conference Apple to July after the E3 Expo just one month, then the game were not corrected for the game, but it is a game strategy spin a huge world of science fiction.
- The game turned into a game ActionAid third perspective! Bungie and Microsoft buys
After review of the initial game in 1999 disappeared the game completely from the scene, then emerged a lot of rumors about competing for the rights to the game from a number of companies, while the development team bungee re-plan fully re-game industry from game strategy to the game Action perspective personal third Indeed Fair Entertainment e-E3 the year 2000 has been reviewed as a game Action game again three-dimensional:
Microsoft Acquires bungee and Game "Action" Hilo
A few days after the end of the E3 Microsoft announced officially announced the acquisition of the development team Bungie However now the company holds the rights to the name of the game Halo and began the development team to transform the game from PCs to a Microsoft home the new Xbox to be one of the games version of the device unannounced entry Microsoft officially Market video games.
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