VGA English: Sega left the hardware industry forever !!!?

Sega left the hardware industry forever !!!?

In the history of this industry we have seen many moments divided between the feelings of many , including the surprise and joy , and the shock and sadness . In this article we will try to list the most memorable moments in the history of video games. These moments are not inside , but outside of gaming , and among the great companies that have provided us with everything we loved it . Moments that will live in the memory of this article may be a lot of you did not know her at all to this day , so get ready to read some of the information is in the excitement !
Sega left the hardware industry forever

Sega was one day one of the largest gaming companies around the world , and in the generation Super Nintendo was the apparatus Mega Drive ( Genesis ) is a contender for the Nintendo Alhakafa in the market. In the next generation entered the battle Sega Sega Saturn head start , but the next new war machines and apparatus Sony PlayStation led to the transformation of the Sega Saturn fighter expected to catastrophic failure in the history of the company Sega , so they gave it up very quickly . 3 years later the Sega issuing Dreambox Dreamcast in 1998 to correct the situation , but failed miserably in Japan , but in September the following year made ​​the device at all successful in America and sold 500 thousand sets in the first week after a substantial marketing campaign from Sega .
Dreamcast is the last major home gaming device from Sega
For Sega it did not last long , and the release of PS2 and competition from Nintendo and Microsoft put the company in real trouble . Accumulated debt and can no longer withstand the market Sega powerful. In January 2001 , published an article in a Japanese newspaper that tells Sega will stop making Dreambox Dreamcast games and the development of devices to competitors . Sega has denied the news in the first place before they officially announce its transformation to a third party company with the end of the month of January 2001 . For many players the news was a great shock , especially since the Dreamcast was the launch device has the best in history and probably gave some of the best games and that got wide praise from critics. But worse is the fact that Sega no longer days to its former condition since its transformation to a third party company in early 2001 .
Sonic Advance is one of the first games Sega issued for competition when the devices have been developed for the Game Boy Advance
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